Lets start the week with some cake! The other day I was a guest at a radio show where we talked about the usual things that I tend to visit various shows for, but also had some chit chat on different things, one of them being food. But I can't really asnwer the question of weather I cook or not correctly. Perhaps a boring ' sometimes ' is the right answer. Most of the time I just make what I can get away with quickly (and, as you may recall, due to how I work I most often buy something fast that I have in my car...sniff). But sometimes I do cook properly, and mainly tend to bake things. And I have a habit of not really following recipes, but rather get inspired by them, and often coming up with things myself. So - here is a semi-raw, no-bake, vegan and gluten free cheesecake without white sugar that I put together for Easter. Ok, I know the above categories will make some go "blah" but for me the thing with making these "free of"-cakes is that they sho...